It’s Spring Break this week (no homeschool – yay!), so I decided to take the week off from my day job as well as blogging! Since I had to cancel my Facebook Live last week due to illness, I’m coming to you live this week! Join me on my Facebook Page at 8:00pm EST as I demonstrate a project from start to finish for you!
I hope you are healthy and safe at home (if possible) and finding some creative time! I just ordered some diamond painting kits for me and the kids to try (not that I need another hobby). Can’t wait for the kits to arrive! Have a wonderful and blessed day and hope to “see” you tonight!
Have a question or comment about today’s post? I’d love to hear from you!

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Cute little box. Thank you!
So glad you’re feeling better Julie! Loved your live FB tutorial on the sweet little box to hold a bottle of Tombow but here’s one of those “it could only happen to me” stories: Since I could get 2 boxes out of one piece of 8 1/2 x 11 CS I jumped in with both feet, made my first box and decided to whip up the second box. The problem was that right in the middle of trying to glue down my pieces of DSP – I RAN OUT OF TOMBOW!!!! I squeezed every last drop out of my bottle but couldn’t finish my second box. Now I have additional bottles of Tombow as well as every other kind of adhesive known to man but they were all in my craft room and I’ve been working in my living room because I’m recovering from a leg injury and walking isn’t on the agenda right now. So, here I sit, one and a half boxes in, totally frustrated and forced to wait until tomorrow when my home health aide arrives – hope I can direct her to the stash of Tombow without any trouble so I can finish up box # 2!!
Oh, Allyson! What are the chances! So wish I could magically bring you a new bottle!! I can snail mail you one if your home health aide can’t find one for you!! ❤️